Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Book Review: Hard Sell by Jamie Reidy

I messed up with my HV Nestie Favorites.  I had been at work the past few Fridays and feel even more lost because I never gave myself the chance to catch up.  Instead, here's a book review of a book a friend wrote.

Hard Sell by Jamie Reidy

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don't know if I can do a review that isn't biased.  The author of Hard Sell is a childhood friend.  Someone who even though I moved away in the 6th grade, made his mark on me long ago.  I used to flip baseball cards with him.  I won.  I won a lot.  I'm glad that never made his book.

But back to Hard Sell.  I found it an interesting look into what goes on with the big drug companies.  It opened my eyes to when I would ask for more samples of my BC pills way back when, they told me no.  When they had a whole closet full of samples!  Plus, the look into my childhood friend's grown up life, was interesting.

I wish I could review this properly, but I just can't. To me, Jamie Reidy will be my freckle faced 8 year old friend.  Now he's a grown up man, a successful author and more importantly, in the movie version of his book Jake Gyllenhal plays him. It can't get any better for a young boy from Spring Valley than that. 

Congrats Jamie!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Yes, I know.  I'm a day late.  Quite possibly a dollar short too. I COMPLETELY spaced out and forgot to post.  

So I will just shut up because I have nothing clever to add and just dive into the topics.  

Favorite Blog (not your own)

I don't think I can pick a favorite.  I love all my fellow HV Nestie blogs.  I like getting that glimpse into our lives every week.  I also check this blog:  Three Cheers for Babies  I started following this blog because of my connection to the Nestie board What's Cooking and I've been following the lives of Lilly & Charlie and their sweet departed sister Annabelle from when they were born.  It's nice to watch them grow and see what amazing parents they have.  Brooke & Joe are so loving and have amazing strength. I've laughed and cried reading their blog.

Favorite Sport

So easy for me to pick.  Baseball.  I love baseball.  I love baseball season.  I absolutely LOVE the New York Yankees.  Baseball to me is borderline religious.  There is just something about watching these men on the field.  The pitches.  The strategy that does go into the game.  You have to THINK when you play this game.  Not just run out on the field and smash someones skull in.  I'm like Annie from the movie Bull Durham. I love baseball and baseball players. I played softball from when I was 5 years old till I was about 30-something.  The sport just makes me happy.  I've been up and down with the Yanks over the years and every year, I'm back cheering on my team.  I have tons of happy memories of ball games.  The first time I brought my son.  Hanging out with my Uncle Pete. The last fun thing I did with my Grandfather.  I was devastated the day the old stadium went down.  I still have yet to go to the new one (so expensive!).  But I will go one day.  Baseball is Summer to me and I love Summer more than anything.  Baseball binds us.  Baseball brings us all together to cheer our team and boo our enemy teams (BOO STINKY RED SOX!).  I just love it.

Favorite Memory

This is hard. I  have so many.  I was just talking about Baseball and the Yankees.  One of my favorite memories is the first time my son realized we were walking into Yankee stadium.  He was so excited.  He had his shirt on and his hat.  He brought his glove.  He was like 4 years old. I think I got tickets for his birthday, I do remember it was a night game.  We walked through the tunnel to find our seats and as we left the tunnel and saw the field, my little guy just stopped and said "Wow" it a low whisper.  He was amazed to see the guys out on the field warming up.  The green of the grass and the lights.  He LOVED every minute of the game and when he was getting too tired and I decided to go home, he fought me all the way.  I have many moments with The Boy when he was growing up.  The smiles. The laughs. Even the tears and the fear.  So many of my best moments in life were shared with him.  I'm lucky to have him in my life.

So there it is.  I ended on a mushy note.  Even got myself a little weepy.  But I'm a Mom. We do that sometimes.

Friday, March 4, 2011

HV Favorites Week 5

Five weeks.  I don't know about you all, but I'm quite impressed with myself that I have written a post every week.  Yay me!  Yay to all my friends participating in this little project as well.

Favorite Possession (and it can't be photographs)

I had to think about this a bit.  I have some photos that are just really special to me.  Like one of Brad Pitt snapped when he was filming a movie in Yonkers, one of Jerry Garcia 6 months before he died and a great photo of my grandparents at my parents wedding.  But since I can't pic these, I had to think about it a lot more. I believe I'm going to go with a Venetian mask that my son brought me from Italy.  When the J-man was in 10th grade, he was lucky enough to go on a trip to Italy. I had to work a LOT.  I mean A LOT. I had 2 jobs.  Took on side work.  My parents, his Dad and step-mom and even my best friend Angel all helped to pay for him to go on this trip.  But we did it.  We got it paid for and he was able to have a trip of a lifetime.  They landed in Venice, which is the one place that if I had unlimited money, I would want to visit.  My boy bought me a tiny purple mask from that city so I had something of my beloved Venice to keep at home.

Favorite Holiday

So many to choose from.  I think my favorites are 4th of July and Halloween.  

I love 4th of July but not for Red White & Blue reasons.  I love that it's Summer.  There are cook outs and more importantly, STUFF BLOWS UP!!!  4th of July is always a good time.  Living here in the Hudson Valley and pretty much living on the River for practically my entire life, the best part is not only do you see your local show, but you watch a bunch of them all at once along the River.  I think my love of this holiday started around my teen years.  I began to appreciate the fun aspect of it more.  My boyfriend at the time, Candyman (my little nickname for him still), and I would go down to a little beach in Tarrytown and watch the firework displays up and down the river.  As I got older, my Dad always had cook outs.  We'd go to Pearl River and watch the fireworks there too.  Once, when J-man was a little guy, Candyman was away and came home just before I was to leave for Pearl River.  It was a total surprise and we had a lot of fun.
Now 4th of July is spent on the Rockland side of the bridge.  Bear works the Haverstraw Bay Park 99% of the time when the town of Haverstraw has their display.  We (J-man and I and friends) go to the park, and get to watch.  Plus, the best part is, I get to see the display with Bear and that always makes me smile.  Last year on July 4th, he wasn't working and when it began to get dark, we walked down to the River and watched the displays in Croton and Peekskill and one of our neighbors private display.  He always knows how to make me smile.

I love Halloween because it's just so dang fun!  My kid brother was born the day before Halloween and my first memory of knowing I had a brother was when my Dad took me to Nyack hospital, dressed in my little witch outfit.  This was 1973 and the rules for visiting new Moms were insane.  Kids didn't get to see their Mothers when they gave birth.  So my Dad and my Mom arranged it that he'd take me to parking lot and she would wave out the window at me.  I remember seeing her in the window.  I didn't understand back then why she couldn't be with me, but I was 3, so ya know.  I work for HHV now and the Fall holidays are HUGE.  There is Blaze (pumpkins!), Horseman's Hollow (scary) and the event at my site Legends.  Washington Irving gave Halloween a great story with "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and since I work at Sunnyside, WI's home, we make sure we celebrate with everyone else.  When I lived with my Dad in Garnerville, he was like the traffic cop in our neighborhood.  He'd stand in the road with a big flashlight making sure no one went speeding up the hill so the kids walking around would be safe.  
I love the meanings behind Halloween.  THE TRUE MEANINGS...not the messed up meanings that so many seem to think are truth.  Halloween or Samhain, was a time to HONOR your ancestors that passed before you. I love that there is a day to do that.  Halloween is so beautiful, well, when the weather cooperates it is.  It's fun to hear the kids laughing and screaming.  Parents are usually smiling.  Everyone has a good time.  The food is great too, I don't mean just the candy either.  It's Fall and there is early squash and stews and soups.  And for some, Halloween means, IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!!

Favorite Gift

Tickets.  Concert tickets.  Specifically, a ticket to the Dead show on June 15, 1995.  My 25th birthday.  I went up to Highgate VT with The Boy and Candyman.  I didn't tell Candyman

Well, not that bad for Week 5.  Challenging for me but I guess that's the point.  Everyone enjoy your week!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Week 4 of HV Nestie Favorites

Well would you look at that, I'm actually early for this post.  By early, I mean, posting it in the morning instead of late afternoon.  This is Week 4 of the HV Nestie challange.  This week is Favorite Book, Vacation Spot and job.  Interesting mix, don't ya think?   Two of these will be easy enough for me to answer.  One...not so much.  I bet you all can guess which one that'll be.

Here.  We.  Go.

Favorite Job (or dream job)
I don't have one.  I like my job now.  My official title is Museum Associate for Programs at Sunnyside.  This basically means, when it comes to setting up for events, I'm the one that does all the behind the scenes preparing.  I get the tables in place, make sure the contracts to vendors and performers are out, returned and signed, and lots of other countless little things that ensure the events go smoothly.  I also supervise when needed, take care of the costumes and give tours.  I do like this job a lot.  There are parts of this gig I'm not a fan of but as the song to the Facts of Life went "You take the good. You take the bad".  The good out weighs the bad.  It's flexible.  It pays decently.  And it's not a regular 9-5 job.  Is it my favorite?  Very well may be.

Favorite Vacation Spot
New Orleans.  My beloved New Orleans.  Oh how I fell for this city and I was only there ONCE that trip only lasted 3 1/2 days.  But I was in love the moment I landed in their airport.

This AMAZING photo was taken by a friend of mine named Doug.  Doug lives in New Orleans.  He took this picture recently and people loved it so much that I believe it's going to be a poster.  This is HIS picture that he was so kind in letting me use.  Please do NOT USE THIS PICTURE WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION.  It's beautiful isn't it? **Edit to add:  Here is Doug's Deviant Art Page.  He has AMAZING stuff there.**

I went to New Orleans with my BFF Angel to meet up with my Drummer Man, his wife, his band and friends of theirs Danny, Steve, Mike, and Dennis. They were in a band called Lock and Load and they were in New Orleans to perform at a SONY show case at the Hard Rock Cafe that weekend.  Plus, they had a gig in Metarie as well and were letting Drummer Man and his band open for them.  We went January 6-10, 2005.  Why are those dates significant?  Because we were there SEVEN MONTHS before Katrina hit.  At the time of this trip, both Angel and I needed a break from our wonderful  other halves and we jumped at the opportunity to not only go to New Orleans but to hang out with people we liked.  It was in fact, the first time Drummer Man and I were going to meet face to face.  We met through another friend and had only spoken on the phone and on line before this trip.  We knew we'd be best buds the moment we met.
I COULD post pictures from this trip.  But many of them, well, I'm drunk.  Let's be honest about that.  I think I kept a steady amount of alcohol in me for 3 days.  By the last night, I couldn't drink anymore and I knew I had to get up early to go home. Something I really didn't want to do, because I had loved it so much.  We didn't get to do everything or see everything that trip.  But the trip was fun just the same.  There was one point, it was rainy and dreary, Lock and Load were getting ready to perform. I was out in Drummer Man's truck.  We had the idea to give his band's demo CD to the people that were there.  So I was sitting in his truck, writing our email address and web address on the back of the cover labels.  I looked up at him, just watching him smoke a ciggarette while it was drizzling.  Jimmy, his guitar player was sitting across from me and I said to them that I felt like Dorothy.  They smiled and laughed at this.  It wasn't until later. When the sun went down and I realized that Drummer Man was going home the next morning, how much I was going to miss him and the guys.  I told them again how much I felt like New Orleans was Oz and that I was Dorothy.  I called Drummer Man my Scarecrow that night.  So those are my two nicknames for him.  Harv is my Tin Man and Jimmy was and always will be my Lion.  
I keep trying to convince Bear that we need to go to New Orleans.  I want to make memories with him and show him the city that I love.  After the Hurricane, I did my own small part to help out the people there.  The City needs a lot of help still.  I didn't know until after that one of the guys I went to high school with was living there.  He's back in NY now, but I would have loved to meet up with him and have him show me around his city.  Next time I go back, Doug has said he and his wife will show us around and I think that will be a lot of fun.

Favorite Book
Books to me, are like my shoes and music.  I can't have just ONE favorite. I'm going to try to narrow it down though.  REALLY...REALLY TRY.

So.  Here's the ONE book that RULES THEM ALL.  Hahahahahaa.  I guess you all know what I'm going to say now. 

Yes.  I LOVE Lord of the Rings.  The first time I EVER read these books, I was 13 years old.  I had just moved to where my Mom still lives now.  My first boyfriend gave me these books to read because he was a huge fan.  In fact, it turned out nearly everyone in my new neighborhood (the crew I hung out with at least) had read them (or the stories were read to them) and they even had their own version of the Fellowship written out on one of the picnic tables.  I feel in love with these books (just not the boyfriend d'oh!).  These books gave me a comfort.  They gave me a place to dream about and to fantasize about.  When it came time to give me my Fellowship "name" at first they gave me Galadriel.  But then they realize I was totally Eowyn and she was my character name for a time.  I still love her.  Though I love my Elven Queen as well.  I became immersed in Middle Earth.  Reading everything the Professor wrote.  Okay, wait, that's not true...I've TRIED to read everything he has written. I don't have my hands on all the stuff he and his son Christopher has written.  Tom Bomadil and his lovely wife have always been favorite characters of mine and I was very sad to see that they had to be left out of the movies. 
Now I can't talk about these books without mentioning Peter Jackson's films.  Because for me, they go hand in hand.  I was a book nerd, fantasy nerd, comic nerd, what have you before it was cool to be so.  I am like a lot of those Fan Boys (which I include The Bear in this group) who go see their favorite comic movies and cringe at the differences.  This was not the case when I sat in that darkened theater in 2001.  *goes into Sophia Petrillo mode*

Picture it!  It's the Palisades Mall, West Nyack, NY December 19, 2001.  It was a dark winter.  We had just suffered the ultimate of tragedies not 3 months before.  The Holiday season was upon us, and people were trying to celebrate, but it was more subdued given all the hurt and loss we suffered as a whole.  Now picture it, 2 people, her, wearing a black dress and long sweater and kick ass high heeled boots.  He's wearing dress pants, shirt, and yes, his sneakers.  It was Bear's Holiday party that evening and even though we had bought our movie tickets 3 weeks in advance, we still had to make an appearance at his office party.  We had just celebrated our 2 year anniversary.   We arrive at the Mall to take our place on a REALLY long line.  Hoping to find our friends.  We did.  Some arrived super early and saved us a place.  In fact, there were about 30 of us in one group.  30 out of I don't even know.
Our friends and us took up 2 middle rows in Theater 10.  I didn't care that I was completely overdressed.  I was with Bear and our friends and all was right with the world at that moment.  The lights went down and after a bunch of trailers, of what I don't even remember....I heard her voice. Cate Blanchett start to tell the tale of the Lord of the Rings.  I think I held my breath those first few moments.  I was in awe.  I sat there looking up at that screen seeing all that I dreamed and had in my head come to life.  When Viggo Mortensen came on the screen as Aragorn, I felt like Pete Jackson got in my head and saw the image I always had of Aragorn.  The 9 ride out of Mordor and I truly believed there were Ringwraiths in our world.  The best moment, for me though, was when Rivendell was shown.  It was right out of my dreams.  I'll admit.  I cried.  Just a bit.  The emotion for me, it was a bit much because I truly love these books so very VERY much.  People joke about having a religious experience at events in their life, I felt that Fellowship was my religious experience.  All of the movies were.  I love Peter Jackson and always will.  This man brought everything any one of us who have read this story (and I've read it MULTIPLE times)  to life.  I truly hope that when the Hobbit comes out he will do the same. 

So that's it for this week.  Once again, I hope I kept your interest for a little bit.  Until next time, you all have a great week!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Week 3 of HV Nestie Favorite Things

Welcome to Week 3 of our Favorite things.  This may be a shorter post...I say that now.  I'm probably lying to you.

Let's get started....

Favorite TV Show

Anyone who has known me for like a minute knows my 2 all time favorite TV shows.  But I will talk about both right here.

The first show which filled my Tuesday nights for 7 wonderful years, is the WB's Gilmore Girls.  To say I love this show, is an understatement.  I WORSHIPED this show.  I obsessed.  I watched every episode AND when the repeats started on ABC Family, I watched those too. 

Lorelai was a character that I IMMEDIATELY identified with.  The character and I were roughly the same age and in a similar situation.  She just had rich parents, I didn't. Oh and she had a daughter where I have a son.  I loved the town of Stars Hollow and all the people that filled it.  I wished I could live in a town like it.  The town and characters that the Pallindinos created felt so real. I  think that is why the fans of GG love it so much.  They felt like these were people you could walk out your front door and be friends with.
The day this show ended, I cried like a baby. I felt like I lost all my friends.  That is how invested in that show I was.  My Tuesday nights became barren. I couldn't find a show that would fill that void in my TV loving heart.  Then this happened......
I was watching a movie on FX and saw a commercial that featured actors Katey Sagal and Ron Pearlman.  There was also this beautiful blond boy.  There were Harleys and boys in leather.  I KNEW I had to watch this show, just for the eye candy.
So that fateful Tuesday night in September 2008, I turned on FX.  I was ready to see a typical biker show.  Lots of bikes maybe not a lot of story, but I didn't care as long as the guys were cute.  BOY WAS I WRONG!!!
I was drawn in by the story.  The story of Jax Teller, a young man trying to find his place not just in the world at large, but within his own outlaw biker club.  His father, who is dead, was one of the club's founding members.  His mother Gemma, brilliantly portrayed by Katey Sagal, is the Mamma lion of the club.  She's loving, fierce, sexy and absolutely psychotic, but one thing is for sure, she loves her family and her club.  His step-father is portrayed by Ron Pearlman.  His name is Clay.  Clay is a dangerous man and the one responsible for killing Jax's father.  Okay, I'm saying that here, it's not really "official" but trust me, Clay did it.  As I sat there, speechless every episode.  I became more and more drawn in.  There is no turning back for me.  I began to see how the story of Jax and his club and family is much like Hamlet.  I can not say enough times, how much of a brilliant writer Kurt Sutter is.  He writes story and characters and dialogue that is so real and keeps you interested.  I love this show.  My best friend loves this show.  My BROTHERS love this show.  I got two of my co-workers hooked and loving this show.  It's not for everyone.  It's a very REAL show.  There is violence.  Lots of it.  They don't treat their women all that well either.  Though, I wouldn't mess with Gemma, she'd cut a bitch and has.  And lord help you if there is a skateboard nearby...she'll break your damn nose.
I am anxiously awaiting the new Season to see what will happen to my beloved men of SAMCRO.  Of course, I have to wait until September to find out.

Favorite Store to Shop At.

Well, this is a broad "favorite".  I'm not a shopper.  I wish I could be.  I love it when I actually have some spending cash and can go to the mall or bookstore and just not worry about things.  But those occassions do not happen often.

My list of favorite stores:

For groceries and what not I go to Shoprite. They opened a new one here in Stony Point and I go there.
For Clothes:  I go where ever I can find clothes that fit me.  I usually buy clothes from Lane Bryant.  Sometimes Target.
Shoes.  Well, I LOVE SHOES.  Really, I love them.  I buy most of them from DSW.  But every so often I buy direct from Steve Madden.  Cause I LOVE Steve Madden shoes.
The one store I spend most of my money at:  Barnes & Noble.  Besides my shoe addiction I have a book addiction.  Yes, many people tell me the so-called greatness of The Kindle or the Nook.  But I LOVE BOOKS.  I love to hold them in my hand. I love the feel of the pages.  The smell of the ink on the page.  You can't get that with a Kindle or Nook.  I think one of the main reasons why I love my job at Sunnyside is because I can spend a lot of time in Washington Irving's study, surrounded by books that are 150-200 years old.  I sit in that room and I'm in awe of the yellowing pages that fill that room.  E-readers do not produce this kind of love.  They never will.

Favorite Recipe.  

I believe I have shared my favorite recipe here in this blog.  But just in case I haven't.  I'll share it again.

It's Pasta e Fagoli  (Pasta & beans).  Everyone has their own version of this soup.  Some make it with meat.  Some make it with white beans only and some like my mom back in the day actually used pork and beans (don't ask...she has since mended her ways)  Below is my version.

1 28 oz. can of crushed or diced tomatoes.  My favorite brand is Cento.
1 box of small pasta, Ditalini,  elbows, any small pasta you prefer
2 cans of pink beans, rinsed.  Again, use what you have (just not black beans!)
3 stalks of celery, chopped
3 carrots, chopped
1 medium onion, diced (I finely dice it because of my son's aversion to large chunks of onion)
3-5 cloves of garlic, crushed
Garlic Powder
Black pepper
Salt (optional)

First, start the water to cook the pasta in.  Cook the pasta to just under al dente.  When you drain it, save some of the pasta water.

In a large pot, heat EVOO on medium high, add the onion, carrots and celery.  Stir frequently and cook the veggies till they start to brown a bit.  Add the garlic and stir until fragrant.  Next add the can of tomatoes and the beans.  Stir together.  Add the spices.  I don't measure.  I just add to taste.  Usually I add more basil than the other spices.  I don't add extra salt to my food due to the Bear and The Boy's high blood pressure.  But if you need the salt, do so.

Add the pasta once it's done cooking and some of the reserved water.  Mix everything together.  Turn the heat down to medium low and simmer everything together.  10-30 minutes is usually how long I let it go for.

This is the Boy's favorite soup I make.  It's comfort food and it's also quick and inexpensive.  What I feel is the greatest thing about Pasta fagoli, is that you can use whatever you have on hand to make it. 

So these are the favorites for this week.  Happy reading and see you all next week!

Friday, February 11, 2011

HV Nestie Faves Week 2!

Well I didn't post during the week.  I had one of those roller coaster weeks and you know what, I am very glad it's Friday and this particular week of the year is over and done.  But that's not what this post is about, this is about our favorite things WEEK 2!!!

So let's start, shall we?  Good.  First up....

My Fave Piece of Clothing

I'm not a big fashionista.  Don't get me wrong, I like clothes but my real passion are shoes.  I LOVE shoes.  I just don't have enough right now.  But that's a topic for another time.  I never feel comfortable in a lot of my clothing.  I'm a big gal and it's hard sometimes to find things that not only look good, but fit well and make you look good.  Having said that, there are 3 shirts of mine that I do like wearing and look pretty decent on me.  I had a fave pair of jeans, but I ripped them.  I was in mourning for a week.

This is my FAVORITE Yankee jersey.  If I had an Andy Pettitte one, that would be my favorite, but I don't, so this one is it.  My Dad bought this for me for my birthday a few years back.  I love this shirt because it's big and roomy.  I wear it to EVERY game I go to.  I throw on a t-shirt or tank top underneath and I'm good to go.  It covers what I want covered and shows what I like to show off. 
Now this shirt, I think most of the Nesties and my friends have seen me in. This is my fave purple shirt.  It's soft.  Comfortable and yes, covers that buddha as my BFF would call it.  It also shows off my best features when the right undergarments are on.  This shirt can be casual and I also wear it for when I'm working.  It just works.  I've worn it multiple times to Nestie gatherings. In fact, I think there is a group photo of us all and I'm wearing this shirt in the photo.
This shirt isn't as old as the front would indicate.  This is a fave t-shirt.  It's my souvenir shirt from the Broadway show Rock of Ages, which if you haven't seen, go buy your tickets, cause the show is AWESOME!  Like totally. 

I am a big fan of my Girls and therefore, most pieces of clothing that I DO like show them off. This one does so in spades.  It's worn, because that's how they made them, so I gotta be careful what I wear underneath, but that's part of it's charm. The name "Arsenal" is stretched out and makes it fun to wear.  This is just one groupie's opinion about it all.  I know that my reasons for liking clothes, "because they show off my boobs" is probably not very polite or lady like, but I don't care.  
My clothes need to make me feel good and these are just three of the pieces that do so.

Fave Superhero

I am a comic nerd. I am a rare breed of a GIRL who likes and reads comics.  I blame The Bear.  See, I read comics as a kid.  Archie comics and I would read my little brothers Spiderman.  
But then I met Bear.  Very early in our relationship he asked if I would like to read some graphic novels. I said sure.  He handed me Alan Moore's "The Watchmen" and Neil Gaiman's "Death".  I got hooked and started to read his old Batman's, especially my favorite graphic novel Dark Knight.  Why is that my favorite?  Cause BATMAN KICKS SUPERMAN'S ASS!!!  I don't like Superman.  My Fan Boy friends tell me I'm nuts, but I don't like him. I think he's a goody goody and a boy scout and I hate that.  Give me f-ed up in the head Superheros.  Heros with deep seeded issues.  That don't really think society is worth saving, but they do it anyway.  I've loved Batman WAY BEFORE Bale started playing him, let's just get that straight here and now.  Though Christian Bale as Batman...well...I'll follow that one to the ends of the earth.

I'm sure everyone is shocked that I don't like Wonder Woman. I do.  I dressed up as her when I was a kid because I would watch the TV show.  But she's too into Superman, so you know...she's cool...just well...not cool.

But who do I really like?  Well, I like the Bad Girls of Superhero land.    I LOVE Black Cat and Ms. Harley Quinn.  In fact, I think Harley TRUMPS my love of Black Cat.

This magnificent woman in black spandex is really Spiderman's Peter Parker's ex-girlfriend Felcia Hardy.  She is the daughter of a cat burglar.  In college she trained herself to fight and KICK ASS.  She does love Spidey.  Just well, they don't always see eye to eye.  I don't know who will play her movie wise but I don't know if anyone can really fill Felcia's shoes.
Ah, the ULTIMATE Bad Girl of Superhero land, I think is none other than Harley Quinn.  It's lost here, but she has a great speaking voice.  And I can imitate it really well. This picture I have posted is actually from the video game Batman Arkham Asylum.  She's hot ain't she?  She has more traditional images, but I like this one.  
Harley is a bad girl. She's Joker's girl. She was once Joker's therapist, but the Joker is such a smooth talker that she fell in love with him and has been with him since.  She's Harley know and "one day, she and Mr. J are gonna get married."  That statement doesn't work written, but if you know Harley, you know how she would say that.  She hates Batman just as much as Batman hates her and the Joker.  She's awesome and if I was skinny enough, I'd dress up as her for Halloween. 
I'm sure this was not the answers everyone expected, but hey, when do I do anything normal.  What's really funny, is how these answers are completely opposite of my favorite movie choice, which is next....

Favorite Movie

For me, this is almost as hard as my favorite song...but then I realized. There is one movie (well 2, but I'm going to stick to one) that I watch over and over.  I have multiple copies of and I just love it more than anything.  That is Wizard of Oz.
There is something so simply beautiful about this movie.  Lots of people love this movie.  I love the singing.  The munchkins.  The witches.  The Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the Lion.  My Mom used to tell me when I was little and Toto was taken from Dorothy I cried and cried.  
In my part of NY, there is a Castle up on a hill. It's a restaurant now (a uber-expensive one at that) and when we were kids, my parents would drive from Rockland County to Westchester County to take us to see my Mom's parents.  Well, me being the ever loving older sister I am, would tell my baby brother that the Wicked Witch of the West lived in that castle and that the birds he would see, weren't really birds, they were the flying monkeys coming to get him.  I got smacked a lot.  
I've seen Wicked and read it. The book is better.  But it has changed my outlook on the Wicked Witch of the West.  My favorite line from the movie, a line I use often, is "Be gone!" which Glinda says to the WWW.  Love Glinda.  She's buried in a cemetary in Westchester County. Billie Burke lived in Hastings on Hudson, the town next door to mine.  How cool is that.  Well, I think it's cool at least.  LOL
I've even nicknamed one of my best friends, my Drummer Man, Scarecrow.  Okay, it's cause he's tall and skinny and from Oklahoma, but you get my point.  LOL
The Wizard of Oz movie is one of those movies that I can put on and it will cheer me up.  It will make me laugh and smile and remember the simple pleasures of song, dance and storytelling.  When I first met Bear, there was a WB store in the local mall.  He bought me the figures of Glinda and the Cowardly Lion for Valentines Day.  He also has bought 2 of my special edition copies of the movie.  Most recently, was last year, when he bought me the 70th anniversary edition as an wedding anniversary present.  I LOVED it.  It came with a blu-ray copy.  A copy of the script.  Movie picture stills AND a really cool watch, that I do wear from time to time.  My Bear loves me and knows what I love.

So that is this week's installment of HV Nestie Favorite things by Tee.  Hope you found something interesting to read. 

Have a great week everyone!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Welcome to HV Favorites!

Today kicks off our blog challenge over at the Nestie HV board.  Today's topics:  Fave song, food and day of the week.  So here's my list.  Or lack thereof.  LOL


Well, this is a little hard for me.  I have several songs that I just LOVE.  But there are three that will always top my list.
The first one:  Love Street, by the Doors.

I love the Doors.  They are one of my all time favorite bands. I discovered Jim Morrison and the Doors when I was 15 years old.  There was a dusty copy of his biography No One Here Gets Out Alive.  I found it at my Mom's job one day and took it.  I read that book cover to cover 3 times that summer.  I was in love with Jim by August.  The Doors spoke to me.  Their lyrics weren't always happy go lucky, they were profound, dark and made you think.  Just right for a brooding 15 year old girl.  I thought that the ultimate romance at that time was Pam & Jim.  I knew nothing of dysfunctional love at that point.  Jim and Pam were dysfunctional, but this song, Love Street, was a love song to Pam.  He DID love Pam.  No matter how much they yelled, screamed, cheated, Jim's heart always belonged to Pam.  You feel it in this song.  When I hear it, I think of my life so far, and it fits me.  I'm not the only one to think this as well.  Others who know me say the same.

Fave Song #2 - Sugar Magnolia by the Good Ol'Grateful Dead!

Oh how do I love the Good Ol'Grateful Dead.  If the Doors spoke to my dark and brooding side, the Dead speaks to my happy sunshiney gal.  I LOVE the Grateful Dead and my life as their fan. Because of them I have met some of the best people in my life. They are my FAMILY.  From my time with The Dead, I learned to love.  I traveled to places, I probably would not have.  I have had a lifetime of experiences and the best people in my life because of this band.  People who have come and gone in my life.  People that I probably would never have met because of this band.  I took my son out on tour when he was just 2 years old.  Some of the best times we had just driving around in my truck going to see them play. The day Jerry died, 8/9/95, I'll never forget.  As much as I would like to.  I can still remember that day and it's been so long but I know what I was doing and where I was.  The tears that spilled. The phone calls.  The complete feeling of being lost.  

But let me tell you a funny story about the song Sugar Magnolia and how it became my nickname.  *flashback wavy sounds*  Picture it......March 1991.  A young Tee, she's about 20, smitten with a beautiful long haired man that had just started at her first job out of college.  His name is Joe.  I loved him madly, even though I had a boyfriend at that time, I was completely head over heels for Joe.  He was beautiful.  I knew the Dead. I had gone to a show in Albany with some friends from college. I dug them, but I REALLY got into them when I met Joe.  He made me my first tape of the Dead.  Gave to me as a present.  We scored Spring Tour tickets and not only did Joe and I go, but my buddy Sean went as well. I  worked with them both and I would call them "My Knights in Shining Armor" because they were always there for me.  We were all relatively close in age and got along well.  But back to the story....

It's a windy March day.  We duck out of work early. The three of us get in Joe's car and head to Long Island.  The Dead were playing at Nassau Coliseum as was their custom for Spring Tour in NY.  We um, shall we say, indulged a bit on the way.  Nature's finest.  We're all feeling pretty good.  We get to Nassau and I decide I need to change from my work clothes and hey, I'm at a Dead show...I'll change in the car.  I didn't mind.  I pop out of the car changed.  Just jeans and a loose sweater...but much more comfy than my skirt and blouse from earlier.  Joe's roomie Scott has met us at the show.  Joe and Scott are across from Sean and I.  We are leaning on Joe's car while the other two are leaning on Scott's. We're just chatting.  I am feeling pretty darn good.  A perma-grin on my face and Sean's as well.  Next to me, I'm not really focusing, but there are two young men talking.  Something seems to pass between them. I glance over and smile and the one guy says "Hey."  I say "Hey" back.  Look to Sean.  Look back at the stranger, still grinning and yes, back at Sean.  Sean asks "What's going on there."  and I look at him and start to giggle "I don't know!"  and now just into a fit of laughter.  Scott comes up to me, puts his hands on my shoulders and says "I dub thee Sugar Mags!"  and that was it.  My nickname forever.  

Fave Song #3 - Suite:  Judy Blue Eyes

I ADORE this song for one reason only.  It is my opinion that this is the single greatest love song ever written.  Stephen Stills wrote this song for his love at the time Judy Collins.  My favorite all time lyric "This does not mean I don't love you, I do.  That's forever.  Yes and for always."  I LOVE THIS SONG.  The video posted is from the movie Woodstock and it's just an amazing rendition of this song and what these men could do when they were younger.  They can't hit those notes as high any more but they still perform this song beautifully.

The rest of this post will not be as interesting as the previous.  Why?  Because I LOVE music.  I love listening to music and seeing it performed live.  I worship band boys and I'm not ashamed to call myself a groupie or as many of band boys call me "a band-aid".  Almost Famous is one of my all time favorite movies. But let's move on, shall we?

2) Fave Food

Well, I adore chocolate.  A little too much given how heavy I am these days, but I do love chocolate cake, candy, ice cream and chocolate milk.  My friend told me of chocolate covered bacon and I almost died.  

3) Fave Day of the Week

I don't think I have one.  If I had to pick, I guess it would be Sunday because The Bear is home from work and it's usually a relaxing day.  I'm usually working or running chores on Saturday. Sundays are for us to hang around the house or just go out and do stuff together.  Plus, most Sundays.  Bear makes breakfast and he's AWESOME at it.  

See I told you those last two were going to be anti-climatic.